Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Have Our Manners Gone?

 Sometimes I really wonder what goes through peoples’ minds before they make a comment, to a stranger, especially.  I mean, in this day and age where certain, ahem, freedoms, are in the news every day, and many people feel the need to express themselves with bumper stickers, t-shirts and even tattoos, I have to ask myself, “Is this progress?”

I remember when it was okay to hang out with your same gender best friend and people NEVER would have thought, much less asked, about something more intimate between the two.  Nowadays, thanks to Hollywood and the standards (or lack thereof!) that they set, you can’t have a same gender best friend without experimenting. 

I am going to blame it on . . . . wait for it . . . TV!  Not only do we have everyday common voyeurism going on in magazines and online news sites, we have “reality TV” . .. I’m sorry!  How real can it be????  You have a camera in your face 24/7 – go ahead, be yourself!  And if you have to squelch your values, morals and beliefs so that you can become a star . . . . SO WHAT!?!?!?!

I literally could go on for hours about this – but I won’t!  I just want to be sure that all of cyberspace knows that I am a heterosexual, Christian female who spends LOTS of time with her female friends.  Nope, I won’t be wearing a tattoo or T-shirt that says so, and my car isn’t my own personal billboard either.  But, that’s me! 

Now, you won’t have to ask, presume or ASSUME (do the break down of that word; don’t MAKE me break out my crayons and draw you a picture!) any differently!  And, by the way . . . . it is none of your business!  And, your personal and/or intimate life is none of mine!  We are all children of God, and our choices (unless they harm another person) are OURS – to make, pursue, and answer to God for! 

Please be kind to one another – we all have our own struggles and need to see a friendly face to remind us that we aren’t fighting this fight alone!  Thank you!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

so what are you saying? you don't like me like that? haha

love ya K!