Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Be Thankful for your Health

I do try to be thankful for good health; but like most human beings, I am just a little bit forgetful when it comes to expressing gratitude to my Heavenly Father for something that is so easily taken for granted.

Then, when I feel like crap, and would maybe, just a little bit, rather die than continue feeling like crap, I begin to feel a little remorseful about NOT expressing that gratitude.

While NO, a sinus infection relapse is nothing life-threatening, it is rather energy-draining and uncomfortable and the burning up fever is . . . . well, burny! And, as some of my own dear family members have other, more serious and “not going away” ailments, I know I would be quite self-centered to expect any sort of sympathy from them.

I have chosen, instead to express gratitude daily, for my health . . . and even on itchy eyes, drippy nose allergy days like today (Yes, I was experiencing those symptoms ON TOP of the sinus infection relapse episode!) I can find a reason to be grateful for my health.

And many other things, of course . . . . . . .

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