Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November = 30 Days of Thanksgiving

So, I have been a slacker blogger!
But not for lack of keeping busy!  I am crankin' away at my studies and the tentative date to become a teacher is December, 2013!  Yay, a goal in sight!!
Anyway - I am back with new commitment to my blog; I will post every day in November, about something that I am thankful for.

November 1, 2011
I am thankful for my job.  2 and 1/2 years as a "temporary employee" really reeks havoc on your self-assurance.  I am settling in quite nicely and I am WAY excited that soon we will be moving into the new facility.  By the way, the "new" facility is the same building that I worked in until 2.75 years ago!  Kinda like going home; my brain can go into auto-pilot mode to get me there every morning.

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