Monday, July 2, 2007

Aaaaah, Irony!

So, why does life have to be so full of irony?
On Thursday, I got my personal cell phone back on track and running again. Then, on Sunday, I dropped my phone . . . and it will not work, now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I am not the original owner of this Razor, (my sister gave it to me, when her husband got a new phone!) and I have no idea what the original phone is, for this plan!
I'm a little frustrated, here! And, of course, to purchase a new phone, I either have to renew for 2 years, or pay an arm and a leg for a new one, at full price. They sure get comin' and goin', don't they??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel your pain!
