So, I've been in this lovely sort of foggy, yet enjoyable, state of denial, about my job. Yes, I understand that we have closed the doors, but HEY, I am still working! And, March 31 is so far away . . . NO STRESS!
Well, ladies and gentleman . . . today the powers that be (or at least used to be!) at my place of employment have cordially invited me to enjoy 2 more weeks, and then I'm out the door.
WHAT???? What about the payment plan that I have already conveniently arranged, in my head, for my car, a new cell phone (since the current one is through work!!!) and the little trip to Utah that we had planned, for the 1st of April??? Don't you care about THOSE things?? What could you possibly MEAN that you are trying to cut costs for this now defunct business???
The hardest part is this: Out of the 60+ places that I have applied, over the last 2.5 months, 2 (yes, you read that correctly - 2) of them have called me back. Then, add to that the fun that was the job fair a few weeks ago, where 15,999 of my closest ( HA HA HA) fellow jobless Arizonans convened at the Cardinals' stadium, to wait 2 hours, to fight over 450 jobs, and I will tell you, looking for a job is on the list, right there, just above having a tooth filled! Besides that, the 2 people who responded to my application wanted me to take a 40-45% pay cut from my current salary . . . not good odds, y'all!
So, Jorge pointed out to me, as I was trying NOT to sob hysterically, that he will take care of us, - it is his turn! Okay, honey, I will share this burden with you!
And, with that I would like to say, if you know of anyone with a "Help Wanted" sign in their window, please let me know! They say networking is the best way to find a good job, so let's put that theory to the test!!!
Oh, and Happy Friday anyway!
We're making the best of this crazy thing life. Living it and learning to love it! Life gets more interesting as we go!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Poor Olivia . . . no little cousins to play with!
Last night we had dinner, as a family (as usual, for Sunday nights!) at my youngest brother, Jeremy's, house. His wife had told their kids that my sister and her kids would be coming over to eat, as well as my parents and I. (Jorge works Saturday nights and Sunday mornings, so he is usually sleeping the day away on Sundays!)
Anyway, Olivia heard her say "kids" and instantly interpreted that to mean "Little kids" under the age of 6, that Olivia would enjoy playing with. So, Karalee and her teenagers arrived, and Olivia was disappointed!
"Mom, where's the kids??? Who's gonna play with me??"
Diane proceeded to explain that there weren't any little kids coming over, and then Olivia wasn't happy!
She looked up at me, in frustration, and asked me, "K K, where are YOUR little kids???"
I responded, "They are still with Heavenly Father."
"Well, when are they gonna get here???"
Olivia, my sweet niece, THAT is the question of the year!! I love you, Livvy, and I hope, for both of us, that MY little kids can arrive soon! ♥
Friday, February 20, 2009
Drifting in and out . . . of consciousness that is my Reality!
By that I mean that all of these hours sitting in front of a shredder, at work, with plenty of mindless shredding (I mean, come on, what 3 year old couldn't feed paper into the shredder, right???) to do, I have these random thoughts:
. . . WHY???? did Jorge have to wake me up at 5 am, this morning, to tell me that he thought he saw my brother on the news?? He ALWAYS thinks he saw my brother somewhere!
. . . How much time will it take me to find a new job? I KNOW I can't watch the news anymore; the statistics are ANYTHING but encouraging!
. . . while I always look forward to the weekend, lately I have to work harder at home then I do at work! And at home I don't have the internet available to look for a job . . . Wait!! Maybe that is a good thing!
. . . I really wish I could afford to buy the two over-stuffed chairs that were CRUCIAL for a successful convention booth, that the (now defunct) company assembled! They are pretty nice .
. . . I really need to get back into a scrapbook groove . . . I always miss it so!
. . . I'm glad that Facebook can be my new meeting place for old friends and acquaintances. Do I really have to invite EVERYONE that I ever knew before as a friend?? Is that bad manners if I don't invite them??
. . . I really wish that money grew on trees!!! I would plant an orchard of them!!!!!
. . . Family can be so fun! I'm excited to help with my cousin's baby shower!!
. . . What's for lunch?
. . . I WILL find a job, I will FIND a job, I will find a JOB!!!
. . . How much time is too much time on FaceBook??
. . . Why doesn't this shredder have a "mute" button???
If you're still awake, you can see that I have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much idle brain time, right now!
Happy Weekend! ♥
. . . WHY???? did Jorge have to wake me up at 5 am, this morning, to tell me that he thought he saw my brother on the news?? He ALWAYS thinks he saw my brother somewhere!
. . . How much time will it take me to find a new job? I KNOW I can't watch the news anymore; the statistics are ANYTHING but encouraging!
. . . while I always look forward to the weekend, lately I have to work harder at home then I do at work! And at home I don't have the internet available to look for a job . . . Wait!! Maybe that is a good thing!
. . . I really wish I could afford to buy the two over-stuffed chairs that were CRUCIAL for a successful convention booth, that the (now defunct) company assembled! They are pretty nice .
. . . I really need to get back into a scrapbook groove . . . I always miss it so!
. . . I'm glad that Facebook can be my new meeting place for old friends and acquaintances. Do I really have to invite EVERYONE that I ever knew before as a friend?? Is that bad manners if I don't invite them??
. . . I really wish that money grew on trees!!! I would plant an orchard of them!!!!!
. . . Family can be so fun! I'm excited to help with my cousin's baby shower!!
. . . What's for lunch?
. . . I WILL find a job, I will FIND a job, I will find a JOB!!!
. . . How much time is too much time on FaceBook??
. . . Why doesn't this shredder have a "mute" button???
If you're still awake, you can see that I have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much idle brain time, right now!
Happy Weekend! ♥
Thursday, February 12, 2009
25 Random things . . . hijacked from my Facebook page!
1. Sometimes I don't like being the oldest child. My siblings (and sometimes my parents!!) give me grief for being "in charge", but then get upset with me when I DON'T take charge and plan things! It's a double whammy that I am not sure I will ever get used to!
2. I LOVE Journey!! I have seen them twice in concert. When their latest album was released, and I first heard the first single "After all these Years", I got goose bumps, and I KNEW it was them, even though they have a new lead singer. It it amazing to me that they have been able to preserve their same sound! AWESOME!!
3. As a sophomore in high school, I had my future planned out, which included 3.5 years at the University of Idaho, with a major in English. (including summer school!!) Then, as a senior, when my family made plans to move back to Arizona, I was sooooooooooo ready to move on to bigger things! Yep, Phoenix is definitely bigger! Funny how 2 years can change your outlook so much.
4. I live for scrapbooking!! It is not just my hobby . . . it is my therapy, and my touch with reality! I can keep my memorabilia and photos in order this way, and it is a great way to come up with gifts for friends and family. Now, if I can just channel that passion to make millions! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
5. Someday, when I have my moment with God, I will ask Him WHY it is so easy for drug addicts and irresponsible teenagers to conceive, while those of us who are/would be good mothers have more difficulty. Seriously, I gotta know!!
6. I have a dream to travel to each of the United States, including Alaska, and more importantly, Hawaii. I've got the West down, now I just need to travel north, and south and east . . . .
7. Life has taught me that book learning can never replace practical application! For example, Spanish. The 4.5 years that I spent studying out of books, didn't prepare me for interacting with native Spanish speakers!! But, somewhere I would like to think that Hola is proud of me! LOL
8. New Year's Eve, 2002 - I have yet to top that night! We stayed up all night, we ate, we danced, we sang, we bonded . . . ah, memories! Thanks Julie, Rich, Cindy, Suzie and everyone else! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
9. I have been blessed with 4 sisters (3 biological, 1 adopted) who are some of my very best friends! They are incredible women! (seems strange to call us that, since when we are all together we go right back to younger years!!) Also, I have one amazing sister-in-law, Diane. They are good for emotional support, sounding board, validation, a recipe or a hug! ♥ you all!
10. I am enthralled with invetigation/police drama TV. Medium, CSI:Miami and the original, The Closer, etc. I will DVR any and all episodes to watch at my liesure. Jorge, as a native of Colombia, has seen enough violence in the streets of his country, and cannot understand why I am entertained by these programs. Not entertained, necessarily, but . . . educated and interested.
11. I wish, as a youth, that I had tried more things . . . by that, I mean water skiing, snow skiing, etc. Now, I feel like I am too physically challenged to try them! Who knows, one day I might feel really adventurous! :)
12. I want to work as some sort of victim's advocate. I know that children, especially, need advocates for their vicitmization. Don't know when or how, but I will do it!
13. I spent 4 years in Salt Lake City, Utah. In some ways, those were the most difficult 4 years of my life, but that is where I made some lasting friendships, and I met my husband there, so how can I possibly complain!
14. I collect movies . . . and Jorge doesn't get it! He doesn't understand the appeal of watching a movie more than once. But I LOVE to revisit those old friends as many times as I would like! Jorge collects baseball caps, I collect movies!
15. Music is an important part of my life. I love all types. Given #14, it will probably come as no surprise that I like movie soundtracks! I love jazz, new age, rock, classical, country, easy listening, oldies . . . I am pretty eclectic, as long as there is SOMETHING playing on the radio, CD player or ipod!
16. My parents have been great examples to me, all my life, of keeping cousins as friends! I have some amazing cousin/friends! I am a better person because of my association with them!
17. Jorge and I have a dream of living near the ocean, someday. We aren't prejudiced, we'll take Pacific or Atlantic. He has lived near both, in his time in Colombia. There is just something so . . . soothing and relaxing about the surf hitting the sand.
18. I'm not really a competitive person . . . it is really about playing the game, to me. I enjoy winning, but don't EXPECT to, nor do I curse the winner! I just like to play! (Ask my brother about "Settlers of Cattan" . . . I've only won once, but I can still be convinced to play!) And, when friends, family members or acquaintances of mine win something, I'm happy for them, and don't want to hurt them! LOL
19. I really DO consider the lottery to be the "Idiot tax"! I think it makes just as much sense as walking over to the toilet, and flushing dollar bills down it! (My husband and I don't agree on that point!!!)
20. (See #1) It doesn't matter where I go . . . Church, a store, a sporting event . . . people always ask me if I am "in charge" or "are you the manager?" or "Could you tell me where to find . . . ?" I don't know why that is, but I do usually try to help them find what they are looking for, if I can. I have to wonder if I have an invisible "Can I help you?" tattoo on my forehead, that everyone can see, but me!
21. Given the opportunity, I wouldn't go back even 5 years in time, to start over! I have had too many learning experiences (good and bad!) since then to take any of it back! That's how I got here, from there!
22. I LOVE quotes! If someone were to ask me what my favorite quote is, I would have to respond with "Can I tell you my favorite category of quotes??" I collect them, and am always looking for good ones!
23. Words fascinate me! I love getting my "Dr. Dictionary word of the day" every day in my email inbox. Word games, lyrics, poetry . . . LOVE IT ALL! Please, oh please, don't say "exspecially" . . . there really is NO SUCH WORD!!! Ya, I can be kind of a snob about it! And please, pronounce it correctly if it is from a foreign country . . . at least if you know how it's pronounced! (As one friend put it, I'm a "word nerd"! She is too, so it is all good! )
24. As a child, my mother drilled into my head how important it is to be a good example. After all of these years, I have learned that children DO learn from examples, good or bad, so that is why it is important to be an example for good. One day, God willing, I will teach my children the importance of being a good example.
25. I am a true believer in the thinking that "If you can't do great things in a big way, do small things in a great way!" I think that we can all make a difference in other's lives, through small and simple things, even if those "others" are our family members. I don't need 15 minutes of fame anywhere but here, in my life!
Whew!!! If you're still here, thanks for reading my "Random Things"!
2. I LOVE Journey!! I have seen them twice in concert. When their latest album was released, and I first heard the first single "After all these Years", I got goose bumps, and I KNEW it was them, even though they have a new lead singer. It it amazing to me that they have been able to preserve their same sound! AWESOME!!
3. As a sophomore in high school, I had my future planned out, which included 3.5 years at the University of Idaho, with a major in English. (including summer school!!) Then, as a senior, when my family made plans to move back to Arizona, I was sooooooooooo ready to move on to bigger things! Yep, Phoenix is definitely bigger! Funny how 2 years can change your outlook so much.
4. I live for scrapbooking!! It is not just my hobby . . . it is my therapy, and my touch with reality! I can keep my memorabilia and photos in order this way, and it is a great way to come up with gifts for friends and family. Now, if I can just channel that passion to make millions! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
5. Someday, when I have my moment with God, I will ask Him WHY it is so easy for drug addicts and irresponsible teenagers to conceive, while those of us who are/would be good mothers have more difficulty. Seriously, I gotta know!!
6. I have a dream to travel to each of the United States, including Alaska, and more importantly, Hawaii. I've got the West down, now I just need to travel north, and south and east . . . .
7. Life has taught me that book learning can never replace practical application! For example, Spanish. The 4.5 years that I spent studying out of books, didn't prepare me for interacting with native Spanish speakers!! But, somewhere I would like to think that Hola is proud of me! LOL
8. New Year's Eve, 2002 - I have yet to top that night! We stayed up all night, we ate, we danced, we sang, we bonded . . . ah, memories! Thanks Julie, Rich, Cindy, Suzie and everyone else! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
9. I have been blessed with 4 sisters (3 biological, 1 adopted) who are some of my very best friends! They are incredible women! (seems strange to call us that, since when we are all together we go right back to younger years!!) Also, I have one amazing sister-in-law, Diane. They are good for emotional support, sounding board, validation, a recipe or a hug! ♥ you all!
10. I am enthralled with invetigation/police drama TV. Medium, CSI:Miami and the original, The Closer, etc. I will DVR any and all episodes to watch at my liesure. Jorge, as a native of Colombia, has seen enough violence in the streets of his country, and cannot understand why I am entertained by these programs. Not entertained, necessarily, but . . . educated and interested.
11. I wish, as a youth, that I had tried more things . . . by that, I mean water skiing, snow skiing, etc. Now, I feel like I am too physically challenged to try them! Who knows, one day I might feel really adventurous! :)
12. I want to work as some sort of victim's advocate. I know that children, especially, need advocates for their vicitmization. Don't know when or how, but I will do it!
13. I spent 4 years in Salt Lake City, Utah. In some ways, those were the most difficult 4 years of my life, but that is where I made some lasting friendships, and I met my husband there, so how can I possibly complain!
14. I collect movies . . . and Jorge doesn't get it! He doesn't understand the appeal of watching a movie more than once. But I LOVE to revisit those old friends as many times as I would like! Jorge collects baseball caps, I collect movies!
15. Music is an important part of my life. I love all types. Given #14, it will probably come as no surprise that I like movie soundtracks! I love jazz, new age, rock, classical, country, easy listening, oldies . . . I am pretty eclectic, as long as there is SOMETHING playing on the radio, CD player or ipod!
16. My parents have been great examples to me, all my life, of keeping cousins as friends! I have some amazing cousin/friends! I am a better person because of my association with them!
17. Jorge and I have a dream of living near the ocean, someday. We aren't prejudiced, we'll take Pacific or Atlantic. He has lived near both, in his time in Colombia. There is just something so . . . soothing and relaxing about the surf hitting the sand.
18. I'm not really a competitive person . . . it is really about playing the game, to me. I enjoy winning, but don't EXPECT to, nor do I curse the winner! I just like to play! (Ask my brother about "Settlers of Cattan" . . . I've only won once, but I can still be convinced to play!) And, when friends, family members or acquaintances of mine win something, I'm happy for them, and don't want to hurt them! LOL
19. I really DO consider the lottery to be the "Idiot tax"! I think it makes just as much sense as walking over to the toilet, and flushing dollar bills down it! (My husband and I don't agree on that point!!!)
20. (See #1) It doesn't matter where I go . . . Church, a store, a sporting event . . . people always ask me if I am "in charge" or "are you the manager?" or "Could you tell me where to find . . . ?" I don't know why that is, but I do usually try to help them find what they are looking for, if I can. I have to wonder if I have an invisible "Can I help you?" tattoo on my forehead, that everyone can see, but me!
21. Given the opportunity, I wouldn't go back even 5 years in time, to start over! I have had too many learning experiences (good and bad!) since then to take any of it back! That's how I got here, from there!
22. I LOVE quotes! If someone were to ask me what my favorite quote is, I would have to respond with "Can I tell you my favorite category of quotes??" I collect them, and am always looking for good ones!
23. Words fascinate me! I love getting my "Dr. Dictionary word of the day" every day in my email inbox. Word games, lyrics, poetry . . . LOVE IT ALL! Please, oh please, don't say "exspecially" . . . there really is NO SUCH WORD!!! Ya, I can be kind of a snob about it! And please, pronounce it correctly if it is from a foreign country . . . at least if you know how it's pronounced! (As one friend put it, I'm a "word nerd"! She is too, so it is all good! )
24. As a child, my mother drilled into my head how important it is to be a good example. After all of these years, I have learned that children DO learn from examples, good or bad, so that is why it is important to be an example for good. One day, God willing, I will teach my children the importance of being a good example.
25. I am a true believer in the thinking that "If you can't do great things in a big way, do small things in a great way!" I think that we can all make a difference in other's lives, through small and simple things, even if those "others" are our family members. I don't need 15 minutes of fame anywhere but here, in my life!
Whew!!! If you're still here, thanks for reading my "Random Things"!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Life Gets in the Way!!

Okay, so between moving the last week of January, the Superbowl and being sick all last week, I let a dear friend's birthday go unnoticed!
Lisa . . . I know that this is a little late, but will you PLEASE let me wish you "Happy Birthday" still?? Next time you come to the valley, I'll buy you lunch . . . how 'bout that???
Lisa is a great mom and a very creative person! And, she works at U-Haul - I believe that they call her the Queen of the Mop bucket!
Love ya, Lees! Hope you had a great day! ♥ ♥ ♥
Monday, February 2, 2009
Adrenalin Rush . . . crash and burn!
So, Sunday nights are usually spent as a family . . . my sister and her kids, my brother and his wife and kids, and my parents and Jorge and I get together for dinner, and sometimes games or a puzzle.
Last night was no exception . . . with a few quirky differences! ALL 3 of Karalee's kids went elsewhere for Superbowl parties. All the food was BBQ themed, and the little kids (ages 6, 4 and 2) didn't really care to get involved in the game. Well, at least at first!
The 6-year old, Wyatt, kept begging anyone and everyone to play a card game . . . "Please?? By the time the game is over, it will be time for us to go home . . . " Poor little guy, didn't know what he was up against! Then, about 1/2 way through the 3rd quarter, he decided to pay attention, and then, as we explained the way football is played, he REALLY got into it!
By the time the Cardinals made the touchdown that we THOUGHT would win the game, with a little less than 3 minutes left in the game, Wyatt was floatin' on the adrenalin rush like the rest of us! We were screamin' and jumpin' up and down and sayin' "We can do it!!" Even Theron, the 2-year old was gettin' into it! Olivia went into automatic cheerleader mode . . . it was so cute!
Then, the Steelers decided to be selfish and take all the SuperBowl glory for themselves, and it was just like someone took a BIG straight pin and popped our balloon of enthusiasm! Poor Wyatt was crying . . . "Now they're going to have to start over!" he lamented!
Yep, Wyatt, that's what next season is for! My heart went out to the little guy . . . to be so jubilant one moment, on that wave of glory and then to crash and burn like that! That's gotta be rough on a 6-year old! But, now he understands football, and who knows? Maybe a new hard-core fan was born!
Thanks for the GREAT ride, Cardinals - next time we'll get 'em!!
Last night was no exception . . . with a few quirky differences! ALL 3 of Karalee's kids went elsewhere for Superbowl parties. All the food was BBQ themed, and the little kids (ages 6, 4 and 2) didn't really care to get involved in the game. Well, at least at first!
The 6-year old, Wyatt, kept begging anyone and everyone to play a card game . . . "Please?? By the time the game is over, it will be time for us to go home . . . " Poor little guy, didn't know what he was up against! Then, about 1/2 way through the 3rd quarter, he decided to pay attention, and then, as we explained the way football is played, he REALLY got into it!
By the time the Cardinals made the touchdown that we THOUGHT would win the game, with a little less than 3 minutes left in the game, Wyatt was floatin' on the adrenalin rush like the rest of us! We were screamin' and jumpin' up and down and sayin' "We can do it!!" Even Theron, the 2-year old was gettin' into it! Olivia went into automatic cheerleader mode . . . it was so cute!
Then, the Steelers decided to be selfish and take all the SuperBowl glory for themselves, and it was just like someone took a BIG straight pin and popped our balloon of enthusiasm! Poor Wyatt was crying . . . "Now they're going to have to start over!" he lamented!
Yep, Wyatt, that's what next season is for! My heart went out to the little guy . . . to be so jubilant one moment, on that wave of glory and then to crash and burn like that! That's gotta be rough on a 6-year old! But, now he understands football, and who knows? Maybe a new hard-core fan was born!
Thanks for the GREAT ride, Cardinals - next time we'll get 'em!!
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