Friday, February 20, 2009

Drifting in and out . . . of consciousness that is my Reality!

By that I mean that all of these hours sitting in front of a shredder, at work, with plenty of mindless shredding (I mean, come on, what 3 year old couldn't feed paper into the shredder, right???) to do, I have these random thoughts:

. . . WHY???? did Jorge have to wake me up at 5 am, this morning, to tell me that he thought he saw my brother on the news?? He ALWAYS thinks he saw my brother somewhere!

. . . How much time will it take me to find a new job? I KNOW I can't watch the news anymore; the statistics are ANYTHING but encouraging!

. . . while I always look forward to the weekend, lately I have to work harder at home then I do at work! And at home I don't have the internet available to look for a job . . . Wait!! Maybe that is a good thing!

. . . I really wish I could afford to buy the two over-stuffed chairs that were CRUCIAL for a successful convention booth, that the (now defunct) company assembled! They are pretty nice .

. . . I really need to get back into a scrapbook groove . . . I always miss it so!

. . . I'm glad that Facebook can be my new meeting place for old friends and acquaintances. Do I really have to invite EVERYONE that I ever knew before as a friend?? Is that bad manners if I don't invite them??

. . . I really wish that money grew on trees!!! I would plant an orchard of them!!!!!

. . . Family can be so fun! I'm excited to help with my cousin's baby shower!!

. . . What's for lunch?

. . . I WILL find a job, I will FIND a job, I will find a JOB!!!

. . . How much time is too much time on FaceBook??

. . . Why doesn't this shredder have a "mute" button???

If you're still awake, you can see that I have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much idle brain time, right now!
Happy Weekend! ♥

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