Friday, February 27, 2009

The Other Shoe . . . has dropped!

So, I've been in this lovely sort of foggy, yet enjoyable, state of denial, about my job. Yes, I understand that we have closed the doors, but HEY, I am still working! And, March 31 is so far away . . . NO STRESS!

Well, ladies and gentleman . . . today the powers that be (or at least used to be!) at my place of employment have cordially invited me to enjoy 2 more weeks, and then I'm out the door.
WHAT???? What about the payment plan that I have already conveniently arranged, in my head, for my car, a new cell phone (since the current one is through work!!!) and the little trip to Utah that we had planned, for the 1st of April??? Don't you care about THOSE things?? What could you possibly MEAN that you are trying to cut costs for this now defunct business???

The hardest part is this: Out of the 60+ places that I have applied, over the last 2.5 months, 2 (yes, you read that correctly - 2) of them have called me back. Then, add to that the fun that was the job fair a few weeks ago, where 15,999 of my closest ( HA HA HA) fellow jobless Arizonans convened at the Cardinals' stadium, to wait 2 hours, to fight over 450 jobs, and I will tell you, looking for a job is on the list, right there, just above having a tooth filled! Besides that, the 2 people who responded to my application wanted me to take a 40-45% pay cut from my current salary . . . not good odds, y'all!

So, Jorge pointed out to me, as I was trying NOT to sob hysterically, that he will take care of us, - it is his turn! Okay, honey, I will share this burden with you!

And, with that I would like to say, if you know of anyone with a "Help Wanted" sign in their window, please let me know! They say networking is the best way to find a good job, so let's put that theory to the test!!!

Oh, and Happy Friday anyway!


Lisa said...

hey--i am wanting a cook, housecleaner, nanny and friend. are you interested? i might tell you that the pay is not good! LOL

best of luck in your job search. trust me i know it is not easy but my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Victor and Annette said...

Bummer... that really stinks, Sorry I can't really do much networking up here in UT, but we can keep praying for you. Good luck and it will happen.

Tammy said...

I am so sorry K. I will pray for you!

angiedunn said...

oh girl.

myron & i know this game [all too well.]

hang in there sister...something's around the corner *for sure.*

count me prayin' too.