Friday, May 15, 2009

Thank you, Mr. Microsoft

You know, I’m afraid that the ever-so-helpful tool, known as “spell check” is completely dumbing down our society! I mean, I don’t even have time or space to GO OFF here about the improper uses of apostrophes and exclamation! points!! And, common words like there, their and they’re are commonly misused. (Case in point, as I’m typing this, Microsoft Word automatically corrected my spelling of they’re, because I am using it out of it’s normal context! See what I mean?)

But really – when you want to advertise or say something clever, whether it be in an office memo, or on your vehicle, don’t you think that you are best served to SPELL IT CORRECTLY???? That’s NOT a crazy question, right???

2 examples, that I saw today, in one ½ hour:
- a pick-up truck with the following phrase on the back window:
“Play Nakad”
I guess we could assume he is trying to be funny by declaring himself a nudist. Or, is this some new board game or intramural sport that we are unaware of?
Personally, I would have spelled it like Calvin, of Calvin and Hobbes fame, if I were at all unsure how to spell it correctly: “Play Nekkid”
But, hey, what do I know???
Then, I can only suppose that this statement was advertising a business, though WHAT TYPE OF BUSINESS may be in question:
“Barer Shop” - so, did you forget a “b”, for “barber” or do you want to give Victoria’s Secret a run for their money??? And, in this case, it was spelled incorrectly on 2 windows, one on each side, NOT JUST ONE!!

For myself, I would check, double-check, and then have 2 other people check, to make sure something as permanent as a car window gets any sort of verbage applied to it! That way, ½ of the calls that came in would NOT be mocking my intelligence! But, I am also the type of person who sometimes looks at a word so many times that it really does start to look like it is spelled incorrectly!

I confess, I’m a word nerd . . . but really, please spread the word that “spell check” is available and COMPLETELY free to anyone using ANY type of Microsoft product. And, businesses can ONLY benefit from spelling correctly! (though I confess, this will make my life a little more boring!)

Ya, I’m done with my Friday rant . . . . and I am working on my entry about our sisters’ weekend . .. it just takes time to make it say what I want it to say!

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