Thursday, August 6, 2009

No one ever . . . is to blame!

Ya, that IS a line from a Howard Jones song! I'm not really sure that I understand what that song is about, but to me, that line is not true!

However, I am NOT someone who sits around trying to blame someone! Yesterday, I watched the movie "Breach" . . . didn't know what the subject matter was, and really there weren't any BIG Hollywood names in it. But, it was based on a true story, and it was good - not in some "Entertain me and make me laugh" way, but informative and interesting.

Anyway, the point of bringing up that movie is this; one quote from the movie was this "At the the end of the day the "WHY??" doesn't matter! You're still who you are!" Yep, I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with that!!

Why did she turn to prostitution for herself and her daughters?? Doesn't matter, she still made the choice! Why did he sell drugs and have to go to jail?? Doesn't matter, he made that choice!
Why do people lie and hurt others? Doesn't matter, they make their choices.

I'm approaching the soapbox again, people, but I have to . . . . vent, if you will, for a bit! And hey, this is MY blog, so, here I go!!

I firmly believe that ALL people, regardless of religion, political party or sexual orientation, are born with a sense of right and wrong. I think that this sense gets lost in the confusion, for many of us, but I feel that it is there. Knowing my Heavenly Father the way that I do, I can say that He has given us ALL that gift, not just a few of us.

So, having said that, I must tie the two ideas together --
* Ya, your mom might be a psycho about shopping, and always spent the food money on"stuff", but that DOESN'T mean you get to blame her for your eating disorder!

*Ya, your dad might have been {or still is!!} a workaholic, but that doesn't mean that you get to play the "you should feel guilty and enable my bad habits" card for the rest of your life!

*Ya, the kids were mean to you in 4th and 5th grade, but that doesn't mean that you get to be a BEAST to the rest of the world for the rest of your life!

*Ya, your parents didn't communicate well with each other, but that doesn't mean that you get to have a husband/wife that you're not happy with, and still have a significant other on the side!

I will be the FIRST to tell you all, as I have said before, that I am FAR from perfect, but I don't sit around looking for someone to blame! At work, at home, or anywhere else! It is counter-productive, and it just creates more hate!

Let's all stop blaming others - from family members to local/national politicians, and try to work it out! We can all find the best way to be human beings together on this little planet, if we stop blaming and criticizing and start suggesting ways to make it a better place. And THEN do the work that it takes to change it!

Okay, I'm done now . . . ♥ ♥ ♥


Em said...

Doesn't matter what kind of hand you've been dealt... its up to you to make the most of it and you can't blame anyone but yourself for decisions you've made on your own... I so agree! I'm so tired of people blaming everyone else for their unhappiness when they just need to take responsibility for their own choices! AMEN Sista!

Aubrey said...

Wow Kaelene . . . . very well written. I wish I could copy that and share that with a few people. Agreed!