Wednesday, August 12, 2009


. . . apparently EVERYONE but me!!

I had an interesting experience today - and I say "interesting" for 2 reasons:
1. I could've gone ballistic and turned into mega-beast
2. I cannot believe people sometimes . . . it never ceases to surprise me, nonetheless!

Okay, so, I was baby-sitting my cousin's daughters today, while he met with some clients, and then he called and said that he had a job interview, and could I possibly stay? I told him that I was fine with that, but I needed to run a couple of errands, and then come back to his house.

So, I ran {really, I drove my car, but you know what I mean!!} to Wal Mart, to pick up Jorge's Rx. Silly me!! I forgot that they close for lunch, when there is only one pharmacist on duty . . . which was apparently the case today! But, there was a regular Wal Mart worker there, and I asked her when they would re-open. She replied, "2:00 o'clock!" Then she walked away.
Well, it was 1:58 pm, so I had 2 minutes to wait.

Meanwhile, I am being patient and waiting in the "pick up" line. And, this older gentleman walks up to the drop-off window . . . and of course was very disappointed to see that they were closed. Being a kind stranger, I quickly informed the gentleman and his daughter that they were about to open in 2 minutes.

So the time quickly past and the pharmacist began opening the door and windows to the pharmacy. She approached the "drop off" window, after she opened them both. And, if it were me, being the one standing at that window, I would've said, "Oh, that person over there was here first. Maybe you should help her first." But . . . . NO!! The gentleman {obviously a term used very loosely here!!} didn't say a word and proceeded to place his order with her.

Considering others seems to have become something that is lost, these days! I was in line first . . . and like I said, I could've gone ballistic about it! Instead I will file this in my "life's experiences" file, as a reminder to consider others AT ALL TIMES!

I will say that little things like this can make a huge difference in people's lives . . . . let's all consider our brothers and sisters in the world, huh???

Whew - 2 soap box sessions in a row . . . .


Julie said...

You're so funny!!! I remember one day a co-worker told me that she was waiting in line...the next one to be waited on and as the person at the counter left, my father-in-law came out of nowhere and started talking to the Pharmacist tech. The funny thing was, he wasn't there to pick up anything, I think he knew the girl (he is a flirt and it makes me want to gag) and thought he'd shoot the breeze with her. Finally, my friend went up to the counter and demanded her prescription, it was funny but it made her very mad!!

Kaelene said...

Ya, people are great!!