Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Birthday Tradition

So, my MAS (mutual admiration society) friends started this INTERESTING tradition, long before they ever met me! Anyway, it goes like this:Anything that one may have said, done, made fun of, or forgotten, over the last year, they make public, by attacking one's yard with sticks and some sort of paper shape, with those things written on them.Well, apparently, since I moved in May, I have neglected to share my new address with any of them. So, they didn't get to trash, er, I mean, decorate, my yard last week! So, on Friday night, when we all got together, they took advantage of that time, to wish me a happy birthday, in their own special way!
So, the post-its that they attacked my CAR with, had lots of lovely sayings on them. And since this blog spot is rated "G", I will share the acceptable ones here:
"Say "no" to Crack!"
"When in doubt, check snopes.com"
"you do realize no one knows where you live, right?"
"You Rawk!"
"Here's looking at you kid!"
"Crack is Whack!"
"Are you calling me fat??"
"sing it, girl!"
"Be more pacific when talking to me!"
"comma queen"
"I know you are, but what am I?"
"bingo rules!"
"We are the champions!"
"Taco grande -- that means big!"
"Say what?"
"Can I get directions to your house, hooker?"
"Crack ho!"
"Nice hair color, copy cat!"
"Snickerdoodles rawk!"
"B 15; I 24"
"Bite me!"
"I'm lost!"
"Did you move, or something?"
"Bingo tonight?"
"meet my latin lover!"
"Are you stalking me??"
"Commas are our friends!"
"Stop touching me!"
"Music rocks!"
"Screwous youous!"
"Bingo rocks!"
"una cerveza, por favor -- yeah, that's all I got!"
"Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma chameleon!"
"What are you talking about Willis??"
"Who's a hooker now???"
"To add a comma or not, add, a, comma -- that is the question!"
"we rock!"

1 comment:

Lisa said...

those are funny!! happy birthday senora! ;)