Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I just hate it when . . . .

-- The morning-made, meticulous hairdo, that you left the house with, quickly becomes a "hair don't"!

-- Your jeans, while they fit fine in the morning, get looser as the day goes on, and keeping them in place becomes more of a challenge as the day goes on!

-- Your footwear that seemed perfect for your outfit is killing your feet by noon, and you wish you could slip on a pair of flip flops! (Beth, since you almost always wear flip flops, you are probably just pointing and laughing at me right now! LOL)

-- You put the banana peel from breakfast in the wastebasket in your office, just to get it off of the desk; then when you come back from lunch, your whole office reeks of banana!

-- You drop food on your shirt, at lunch, and you get to smell said food for the rest of the day!(and pray that nobody else can smell it!!

-- That "tiny spill" on your desk backfires later as you try to seperate wet paperwork!

-- The heating/cooling unit in your office has its seasons mixed up -- it runs hot when it's hot outside, and runs cold when it is cold outside!

-- The candle on the candle warmer, in your office, doesn't have a scent anymore!

-- The clock sticks on 1:45 pm for what seems like days, and yet the hours between clock out and next clock in fly by at the speed of light!!!

These are things that, at the very least, bug me, sometimes, about working life!

Ya, if this were a blues song it would be called "Working girl's blues". I'm sure that all y'all could come up with a GREAT list of "stay at home mom's blues" too!!


Lisa said...

can i just say i love those shoes! and i hate wearing cute shoes that give me blisters. and the same annoying things that happen at work happen to sahm's. reeky banana's, spills, a clock that takes forever to get to "bed" time.

Kerry said...

Yep, have to say I agree with all of those!

angiedunn said...

i hear ya. words were never truer.

angiedunn said...

is truer a word?