Friday, February 22, 2008


Ya, so this has been a shorter week than usual, but that hasn't kept it from being just as full of headaches! Work is SUCH a 4 letter word . . . and sometimes I wish I could just change the scenery, for a little variety, you know??
I am blessed to have a job -- it's true! But I have no passion for my occupation, so I am just "workin' in the coal mines" LOL
A friend of mine said to me this week, "why can't you just do scrapbooking and creative projects for a living?" That IS the question of the year! So, that is what I am on the lookout for -- an opportunity to be creative and problem-solving and . . . less chained to my desk!


{Brooke} said...

You should do it! You would be amazing. Don't even think twice. Follow your dreams, and then hire me!!! :0)

angiedunn said...

work is such a four letter word. I love that. hahahaha.

i can't wait for heaven when i can wear large white dress w/ no waistline & not hafta earn money to eat/have shelter. that will pretty much rock.