Monday, March 3, 2008

I've been tagged, YET AGAIN!

My DARLING cousin, Brooke, tagged me! So, the following are 7 things that people may not know about me:
1) I have a teddy bear collection -- I started collecting them when I was in Jr. High. Our mascot was bears, so that made it easy! At one point, in my collecting career, I had over 200 teddy bears. But, in all my moving around, in Utah, I ended up giving a lot of them to the Sheriff's Dept, to give to children who are victims or traumatized by some drama in their homes.
2) I would LOVE to be a world traveler, but the only places that I have visited, outside of the United States are Tijuana, Mexico, and Nogales, Mexico! Don't worry, soon I will be able to add Medellin, Colombia to that list!
3) I love to color -- colored pencils, crayons, markers, watercolor pencils, whatever! I love to color, especially with the nieces and nephews! Coloring makes me happy!
4) Although I have DVR, and absolutely LOVE that I can skip over commercials, I really love to watch good commercials! Please notice the word "good"! While some may be funny, or thought-provoking, or entertaining, what makes them "good" is making the viewer remember not only the content of the commercial, but what exactly they are advertising!
Right now my favorite is the guy who goes to FedExKinkos, and wants color copies of his B & W original . . . I have, in my work experience at Kinko's, had that exact conversation! :)
5) Once upon a time, I wanted to be a high school English teacher -- thank goodness that INSANITY passed! No, seriously, I had some excellent English teachers in high school, and had a great desire to pass on their knowledge. Now, though, I would love to teach, but give me the cute little first graders, instead!
6) Someday I will write a song. The lyrics aren't a problem, but the composition of the music will be the challenge! Even if I do nothing but come up with the melody, maybe somebody else will compose the rest of the music for me.
7) I have NO desire, EVER, to have plastic surgery! This includes augmentation of any upper body parts! I think that one of my challenges in this earthly life is to learn to accept UNCONDITIONALLY the body that Heavenly Father has given me. Although far from perfect in appearance, it functions quite nicely!
Whew, I actually finished that! Good thing! Now, I would love to tag:
(Maddy, I know you hate these, so I won't impose!)
Shanna -- but only when/if you have time, after moving to another state and unpacking your life!


Maddy said...

Yeah, cuz you KNOW I'm not going to do it, LOL!

Kerry said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE to color too! My favorite is getting a new package of Pentel markers and some marker compatable book. Michaels and art stores always have them!

I also love to color Barbie or Fairy coloring books with crayons and put make up on them.

I have to get busy blogging now! :)

{Brooke} said...


{Brooke} said...

You're a good sport! I'll write the music for your lyrics. Do you prefer markers, crayons, or colored pencils?!

{Brooke} said...

You're a good sport! I'll write the music for your lyrics. Do you prefer markers, crayons, or colored pencils?!