Friday, April 25, 2008

Road rage - NOT just for traffic jams!!!

So, once upon a time, probably 5 or 6 years ago, I was giving my sister grief for the "absolute must" of a portable DVD player, with 2 displays, for their car. You know, for road trips, or even 20-minute trips, to keep their daughters occupied and avoid arguments, etc.

"Also a good time to avoid family bonding time!" was my argument. But, since I'm not a mother yet, what do I know?

Well, DeNeece, you'll be glad to know that I became a believer!! Yesterday I had yet another moment to be thankful for those little screens that can entertain and distract little ones, while in the car! I was driving behind a Chevy mid-size truck, and it had a metallic silver silhouette sticker on the back window -- it was large enough to cover the entire window. Underneath the sticker was a name of a supposed racing team. (I say "supposed" because 1) I'm not into racing -- but it could possibly be the name of a racing team and 2) I would be ashamed to be a member of said racing team, if it does in fact exist!!)

At first glance, I could not discern what exactly the metallic silhouette was supposed to represent. However, a few minutes later, when I did figure it out, I literally felt sick to my stomach! I couldn't even believe that I was seeing such a sight!

Now, people are free to have their opinions, sexual orientations, politics, religion, hair color, whatever! But when they post pornography on their vehicle, that only helps to contaminate everyone who sees it! (Granted, this in NOT the first case of disgusting "car art" that I have seen, but it IS by far the most graphic and disgusting!!)

As I wanted to vomit, I imagined having a little 6-year old, like my nephew, Wyatt, just randomly looking at the back of this truck, and reading the words, and then asking me, or his mommy, or whomever the driver is, "What's that supposed to be a picture of ??" or "Why does that say that?"

So, I suppose that having a movie, approved by Mommy and Daddy to watch, while driving to the grocery store, or to Colorado is a MUCH more desirable alternative to looking at pornographic images on somebody else's vehicle. I am sure that the kids prefer that over blindfolds!

But, I can't help but question, "Where do we draw the line of "Freedom of Expression"?"
Deep thoughts for a Friday, but only because I am still very disturbed by what I saw!!!

Oh yeah -- GO SUNS!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!


Aubrey said...

Seriously! What is the world turning into? Yuck!!

Get those Suns pumped up girl!! They have got to knock out the Spurs. We will help cheer them on unless of course they play the Jazz. Tell your dad we have plenty of jerseys we could send him!

{Brooke} said...

Just when you think this world can't get any worse, it does! I have to say that I feel bad for all the kids who have to grow up in this mess! What happened to the good old days?!