Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where the Heck???

Where has this month gone?? It has flown by . . . and now March is at the door! The rent, the electric bill, these are things that help me remember what day it is . . . sad, I know!

I got some therapy time in this past weekend! Yay! Michelle and I scrapped at a local scrapbook store, just to get out and into it, ya know? It was a fun change -- it has been a LONG time since we have stepped out to scrapbook. Ah, memories!
Then I scrapped with 2 of my nieces on Saturday, for a couple of hours, too. Good therapy time! Then Sunday night, we worked on a puzzle -- I had forgotten how therapeutic that can be, too! My nephew, Chase, was so funny. Every time he found a piece that fit in with the section he was working on, he would exclaim "SWEET!!!" And, thanks to movie previews and television advertising, I would respond, (only in my head!) with "DUDE!" Just talking about that makes me laugh all over again!


Victor and Annette said...

I miss you guys.....

Lisa said...

i'm glad you had fun this weekend. i need to see your scrappy pages dude!