Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday, Little Brother!

Today is Jeremy's 30th Birthday! He will be so happy to know that his family has compiled 30 years worth of memories to be listed here on my blog, for all the world to see!

Here goes, Jeremy, 30 memories . . . one for each year! :)

1. Mooney man . . . that's all I'm saying!
2. Thank goodness your male pattern baldness didn't affect you after age 5!
3. C'mon Jerm, I'll be your best buddy!
4. We're glad that you came out of your closet, er, bedroom!
5. You're NOT He Man, and you don't have the power of GrayScore . . .
6. Everybody really DOES love the song "Shut Up"!
7. What did you ever do with your "talk to me" toys?
8. Please do your Jimmy Stewart imitation, with Jim Carrey flair!
9. Hey, you turned out pretty good, considering you had 5 mothers!
10. CPA!!!!!
11. We're all thankful that you FINALLY learned the difference between the accelerator and the brake pedal, in Kaelene's car!
12. Will you please make me a balloon giraffe? I'll give you a dollar!
13. What were you doing, in the combat room, of Bart's Navy ship, when you disappeared for hours, on the dependants' cruise?
14. You, Adam and the rubber chicken . . . what traveling companions you 3 made!
15. Remember when you broke one of mom's china dolls, and you hid in a drawer? You fell asleep and we couldn't find you for a long time!
16. How much money DID you make, charging people to rub your head after a new buzz haircut?
17. Hey, I've got a GREAT idea for a Sharpie T-shirt design!
18. You and your "soda of apostasy"
19. Some of the nicknames you've had over the last 30 years: Hair-a-mius, Squid, Boy, Squaremy Jade, J W, Germy, Butthead, Dork . . .
20. Remember when you really saw your Mommy kissing Santa Claus?
21. Nobody is bitter (anymore) that you were always too young to go on the paper route!
22. Now you know what Dad meant when he said "We have kids instead of a boat!"
23. She's Clump, she's Clump. . .
24. Boys are pigs and girls are queens.
25. Love that PLAID shirt . . . why don't we burn it instead of fighting over it??
26. George Clinton, King of Funk
28. Trying to beat Megan and DeAwna to the truck, for a quick run to 7-11, and running into the screen door!
29. Surely by now you are over the fact that the only baby picture in captivity of you is with your best friend, Richie. Who cares that you weren't wearing any shoes?
and, last but not least . . .
30. Run, Run away . . . tuf, tuf, tuf!

Sure love ya, little brother! Oh, and on this the 15th anniversary of your 15th birthday, you can let go of the obnoxious little brother routine, okay??


Lisa said...

those are funny! do tell, what is the soda of apostacy? LOL

Kaelene said...

The "soda of apostasy" is ANY soda purchased on the Sabbath! He doesn't cater to the Jewish Sabbath idea, as sometimes I am prone to do! :( It's a bad habit that I need to plan better for, if I want to partake on Sundays!