Thursday, August 7, 2008

TAG! I'm it!

Lookie, lookie, another blog tag! (Ya, gotta say, I like these!!)

1. Life with Jorge
2. Unlimited scrapbook time/money
3. Being a member of the church.

1. My family not knowing how much I love them
2. Snakes!
3. Never organizing all my photos and journals into a legible and logical personal history, before I pass on

1. Exercise every day
2. Become a mom
3. Be passionate about my occupation (or finding one that I can be passionate about!!)

Current obsessions-
1. Reading time -- just can't get enough!!
2. Keeping up on photos
3. rooting and voting for Shanna and her run for Paper Creations Idol contest

Random things about me-
1. I've never broken a bone
2. I need a vacation on the beach . . .
3. I LOVE cheese crackers with peanut butter! I even had a 2 minute conversation about them, the other day, with the clerk at Circle K! (Is that random or BOOOOOORING???)

Okay, anybody who wants to be tagged . . . . go for it!!! ♥


Kerry said...

Oh I LOVE tag things! I don't know why. So I'll play in a little bit.

Lisa said...

joy--all kids in school.
fear--not being good enough.
goals--get SU business going.
current obsessions--photoshop.
random thing--i love massages.

and i updated my blog hooker!