Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Where's the SLOW MOTION button?????

August, and the 6th already!! Everybody has kids going back to school and winding down the summer.

I just feel like, "could we put this all on pause for a minute?" The last month has FLOWN by, with little blog input from me, because I have been so busy and feeling so frazzled . . .
I miss:
- scrapping with my buddies, and 3 of them live too far away to even drop by and say "hi"

- hanging out with Michelle's girls, while the rest of the family goes to a baseball game! Oh, and Happy Birthday, Sarah!! Big 5 -- woo hoo!

- nieces and nephews who were all little and cute and LOVED hanging out with me. Now most of them are too old and too cool to just hang out with family; they got places to go and people to text, er, see.

- reading time . . . I haven't even had time to think about "Breaking Dawn", much less read it!!

- living a life that was free of monitoring by a specific government agency, that shall remain nameless. A thankless job for them, I am sure . . . and now I understand better, why!!

- my sisters! 2 of them live too far away, and the other is too dang busy! Call me sometime, dang it!!

- eternal optimism -- I had that "problem" once, but can't seem to remember where I left it!

- I know that I already said scrapping, but I really miss the therapuetic benefits of scrapping. It may stress some people out,(my mother, especially!), but I LOVE it, and the calming effect it has on my soul!

- Tina -- would you please come home for more than 5 minutes, so we can talk and hang out?? Summertime is "Tina out of town" time - and that is hard for me!

- Disneyland -- I haven't been there for almost 5 years! I'm having serious withdrawals here!

Okay, I hope I'm not bumming anybody out, here! Actually,"venting" like this really helps! Thanks for being there for me!

Oh, and have a GREAT day!


Unknown said...

I know the feeling girlfriend, I know the feeling

Michelle said...

that was me KK. sorry!

Tammy said... the book already! I finished last night and am dying to talk to someone who has read it entirely! I LOVED IT!!! Call when you read it! You will love it!

PS...good to see a new entry in your blog! (I know, I have not updated much myself lately! Life get a little crazy sometimes.)

Anonymous said...

You know you can always come over here vacation at the beach, go to Disneyland and " Do Scraps" with Kaity Bug. Love You my Sister. Thanks for being an inspiration to me.