Friday, May 23, 2008

This Night will go down in History

That was how I tried to comfort Kayla last night, as she was sobbing, but still looking beautiful in her Mesa High purple cap and gown. We had just received a message from the high school that graduation would NOT be happening on the football field.

In the recorded history of Mesa High School, they have NEVER had rain on graduation night. (Okay, in May, in southern AZ, we don't usually have rain! Can't say NEVER anymore, now, can we??) So, they had to do something . . .

They split the class in half: A through K in the auditorium, L through Z in the gymnasium. And, only 2 people per student could accompany them. My sister, DeNeece, flew in from California, to go see her graduate, and my sister, DeAwna, flew in from Colorado, too. And, to make the situation that much more traumatic for Kayla, her boyfriend's last name starts with a "W"!!

After we tried to cheer her up, we took photos in the comfort and dryness of my sister's living room, instead of the traditional post-ceremonial photos on the football field. Then, Kayla, Karalee and MaiCee left for the commencement.

3 hours later, they returned, looking like drowned rats! Kayla's group had finished their ceremony half an hour earlier than the other group, so they all (family and friends included!) waited outside in the rain, for the others to finish. Then, they all met in the courtyard, in the middle of the school and sang their school song and then threw their caps in the air. (The powers that be wouldn't let them do it inside, some fire hazard nonsense!) So, they did all get to be together for that little piece of tradition.

The interesting thing about Mesa High Commencement ceremonies is that they always list the students that have parents, grandparents and great-grandparents who have graduated from Mesa High also. This makes for a VERY long ceremony, because they list them all by name. My family tradition, to this end, is that my mom graduated from Mesa High, 2 siblings and a sister-in-law graduated from there, and now, my parents have a grandchild that graduated from there, too. (That is them pictured above, with Kayla)

Anyway, this night will be remembered by many for different reasons, but for Kayla, she can remember that her Grad Night will go down in the history books, for the weather and for the "first ever" commencement that wasn't held on the football field.

I'm proud of you, Kayla! Go forth and conquer your dreams! ♥


Michelle said...

I thought of her yesterday when I saw a clip of the relocation on the news (yes, I actually had the news on for some bizarre reason) they showed pics of graduates and I kept an eye out for her. In a couple years (or days maybe LOL) she'll see that this isn't a huge deal and she'll even be able to brag about the ordeal.

send her my congrats too, would ya!

angiedunn said...

isn't summer rain weird?

she'll never forget high school grad night. that's for sure!

congrats to her! and from a fellow mesa-high-an: {carry on, yo.}